Saturday, December 27, 2008

Did you see the Jaundice going around?

So I have taken a bit of a Christmas break. But to appease the blog gods here is a little sketch I did on my NEW wacom tablet! Which means I did it completely on the computer, and drew it and colored it in photoshop. It's pretty much the best thing ever.

She is escaping jaundice.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Inspiration Comes When Your Not Even Looking

So my near and dear friend Danielle informed me that she reads my blog! And not only that, but she has a suggestion for a featured artist.

David Shrigley. He mixes high brow and low brow (heavy on the low) art.
And after looking at his stuff, I felt inspired myself.

So this first one is basically full on Shringley style.

The second one I took some creative liberties and made it more my own. I really like it.

So thanks Danielle for the suggestion!!
Also, I started this blog for my drawing 2 class, but it is definitely something I am going to keep because I really enjoy it. So don't fret! The posting won't stop!

Zac Efron=Home run.

So because of neodroid I was informed that everyone was hanging out with Zac Efron. Why Zac Efron? I have no idea, but I didn't want to be uncool, so here's what I did with him.

To see more adventures of Zac, just follow the link to more links.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

As promised.... art.

Slowly but surely here comes the art I promised. Lately I have been drawing fashion ads. Here are a few that I have sketched.

This one is my favorite.

And I did some experimenting. Sharpie on layered post-it notes.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cool Purchases

So I support other artist by buying really cool stuff they make.... occasionally.

Today I got this charm at the art walk....(I am a sucker for a pink gazelle)
(Look how happy I am to own this!)
And the cool part is I have seen this girl's etsy account before and thought it was really cool before I saw her tonight. So here it is if you want to look into her stuff.

And I may or may not have purchased one of Kate Beaton's shirts online that look a little something like this.....

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cool Things On The Internet...

Look forward to my art post(s) coming this week..... sometime.
In the mean time explore some minim, opposite of maxims. It's classic sayings, only twisted by a small change to make them meaningless. Cleaver.

"Time Heals All Nonfatal Wounds"